White House Egg Roll Liveblog

LGBT families and non-LGBT families alike are participating in this year’s White House Egg Roll. Dustin Kight from the Family Equality Council is liveblogging the event over at Bilerico, bringing us his insights as well as stories from other LGBT families in attendance.

Much as the point is really that LGBT families are much like any others, it is a big deal that President Obama reached out specifically to invite our families this year. NPR even covered it in a short piece yesterday.

Again, if you have photos or stories from the event (this year or in the past) that you’d like to share, please let me know.

1 thought on “White House Egg Roll Liveblog”

  1. You know I agree that it IS a big deal that President Obama is doing that kind of outreach, it’s these small, family events that mean the most to me. I don’t have any photos to share, but I thought I would share a resource your readers might enjoy: The Great Mother (it’s pretty good, it’s a documentary about the Dalai Lama’s mama and about the archetype of The Great Mother).

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