May 2009

Whether You Like Gulls or Buoys, You Can Marry in Maine

What a week to be taking time away from blogging. I’m breaking my self-imposed absence, however, to pop in and say, “Go, Maine!” Governor John E. Baldacci today signed marriage equality into law. In the governor’s news release, he said, “In the past, I opposed gay marriage while supporting the idea of civil unions. I […]

Cambridge Welcoming Ministries honors a “Reconciling Saint”

(Originally published in Bay Windows, April 16, 2009. I wrote it as coverage for a local event, but I think it has broad interest, especially in light of a recent ruling by the Judicial Council, the highest court of the United Methodist Church, which said clergy may not officiate at marriages of same-sex couples, even

Guest Post: How Motherhood Earned Me a Free Sex Toy

[While I’m taking a bit of a break this week, please enjoy this guest post by Paige Schilt. Paige is a dyke mama, an activist, a low-femme nerd, and a part-time professor of Feminist Studies. She is also a contributing writer at The Bilerico Project. —DR] When I was pregnant with my son, I heard

Make Way for Lesbian Swans

The city of Boston today celebrates the Nineteenth Annual Return of the Swans to the Public Garden, the park captured in the childhood classic Make Way for Ducklings. A parade will be held in their honor as the swan pair, Romeo and Juliet, return to the Garden from their winter home at a nearby zoo.

Taking a Short Break

I’m taking a short blogging break this week, so posts will be light. I have a few things set to publish automatically (so do stop by), but I will likely not be doing much in terms of breaking news. (This means, of course, that the California marriage decision will likely happen this week, because that’s

Songs about Grandparents from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, I’ve created links

Weekly Political Roundup

Another week of political milestones: The Hate Crimes Bill, aka the Matthew Shepard Act, aka the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, passed the House. It would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the categories covered by federal hate crimes laws. The bill now moves to the Senate. President Obama has expressed his

Lesbian Poet Laureates Galore

With the naming of Carol Ann Duffy as the new British Poet Laureate, both Britain and the United States have lesbians holding the title. In July 2008, Kay Ryan was named by the Library of Congress as the 16th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry. Ryan and her partner Carol Adair “married twice – once at

Judy Shepard on Rachel Maddow

Judy Shepard, mother of murdered student Matthew Shepard, was on The Rachel Maddow Show last night talking about the Hate Crimes bill, aka the Matthew Shepard Act, and about North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx’s statement that to call her son’s murder a hate crime is a “hoax.” No mother should ever have to go through

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2009

Save the date: It’s that time of year again! One month from now, on Monday, June 1, I will be hosting the 4th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day. Last year, over 170 bloggers from around the world participated, including lesbian moms, gay dads, adult children of LGBT parents, members of the transgender community, LGBT

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