In Memoriam: Bonnie Tinker

Bonnie Tinker, a peace activist, lesbian mom, and head of the Oregon LGBT organization Love Makes a Family, died after a bike accident at Virginia Tech, where she was attending a conference. Tinker, 61, was hit by a truck and pronounced dead at the scene.

I did not know Tinker, but I am sure some of you did. Based on the online tributes that are starting to trickle out, she will be greatly missed by many in the LGBT community and beyond.

She also came from a family of activists. Two of her younger siblings made history when they were suspended for wearing black armbands at school to protest the Vietnam war. Their case, Tinker v. Des Moines, made it to the U.S. Supreme Court, which upheld the right of public-school students to make such free-speech displays.

Tinker is survived by her partner Sara Graham and their three children, Alex, Josh and Connie.

My condolences to her family and friends.

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