LGBT Diversity Film Trailers Now Available

It's ElementaryI’ve written many times before about the excellence of the LGBT-inclusive diversity-education films by Groundspark, the organization headed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Debra Chasnoff. (Here’s my interview of Chasnoff about her latest film, Straightlaced, and an earlier one about the 10th anniversary of It’s Elementary.)

Now comes the happy news that trailers for all of the films are up at the YouTube channel of film distributor New Day Films. Watch clips of Straightlaced, That’s a Family, Let’s Get Real, It’s Elementary (and the expanded It’s STILL Elementary). Each film targets a different age range (It’s Elementary is for educators and parents), and deals as appropriate with issues such as family diversity, bullying, name-calling, and gender stereotypes. (I recapped all of them in my recent post on New Resources for LGBT Families.)

For those of you who have pre-ordered a copy of Straightlaced, other good news is that it is now ready on DVD and should be shipped any day now. If you would like to order it, or any of the other films, you may do so via the Groundspark Store.

As always, you can visit the the Mombian YouTube channel to find lots of videos with positive images of LGBT families.

After the jump, the clip from That’s a Family, which caused a ruckus two years ago in Evesham, New Jersey when the school board voted to remove it from its elementary health curriculum.

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