A Close Call, Averted

Diane Silver’s piece “Children suffer when the religious right wins,” in the Gay and Lesbian Times is worth a read. She writes of the relief she felt when her son Tony turned 18, relief in knowing no one could take him away from her. She is Tony’s non-biological mom, and almost lost him to her brother-in-law after her partner, the boy’s biological mom, died. Luckily, the brother-in-law reconsidered and allowed her to adopt Tony.

It’s a reminder of a reality many of us live with, and a rarely heard perspective on a child’s coming of age.

(Silver also mentions the case of Kathryn Kutil and Cheryl Hess, who are fighting to adopt in West Virginia. Here’s more on that case.)

Thanks to Autumn Sandeen of Pam’s House Blend for the tip.

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