August 2009

Raising a Girl Geek

Here’s a little something different to read this morning: Wired’s Natania Barron recently offered “5 Tips for Raising Your Girl Geek,” advice for parents of girls who fall into that hard-to-define category with which many of us (me included) identify: being a geek. Yes, boys can be geeks, too, but that’s more common. Girl geeks […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Former President Bill Clinton spoke at the progressive conference Netroots Nation. Blogger Lane Hudson confronted him on DADT and DOMA. Hudson explains why. The Anchorage Assembly approved an ordinance that bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, credit, public accommodations, and housing. It includes exemptions for churches and other

Huge Win for De Facto Parents in Delaware

Washington, D.C. isn’t the only part of the Mid-Atlantic region to pass groundbreaking parentage legislation of late. The Delaware legislature recently passed a statute creating de facto parent status when the de facto parent: Has had the support and consent of the child’s parent or parents who fostered the formation and establishment of a parent-like

When Did You Know You Wanted Kids?

No vlog this week, I’m afraid. Busy with extended family matters. Instead, I’ll ask you all a question: When did you first know you wanted kids? I was late to the game. In my mid-30’s, after having a stable job and a house for a couple of years, I began thinking about it. I knew

LGBT Parenting Update

Personal Stories Nina at Queercents discusses the various factors she and her spouse are weighing as they consider whether to have a second child. Schools and Education A federal judge ruled that the Gay-Straight Alliance at Florida’s Yulee High School can meet on campus, with the same privileges as other student groups, and does not

Don’t Take Your Lesbian Moms to Hooters

The Canadian musical comedy My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding, which became the hit of the 2009 Fringe of Toronto Theatre Festival in July, will be expanded for a run beginning Nov. 7 at the Panasonic Theatre in Toronto, reports Playbill News. The new version will include a larger cast and new songs, in addition

National Fatherhood Tour

President Obama has just launched a National Fatherhood Tour, led by 27-year-old Pentecostal pastor Joshua DuBois, head of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. DuBois (who is not a father himself) explains to NPR: “[Obama] grew up without a dad in his own home, but he also saw the impact of father absence when

How Do I Talk to My Kids About Safe Sex?

[Editor’s Note: A reader left a comment on a post I wrote last fall about LGBT resources for teens. She wanted to know about safe-sex resources for her bi daughter. Blogger Serena Freewomyn, who has been a youth counselor and founded the Feminists for Choice site, was kind enough to write a whole guest post

Nurse Jackie: The Cure for Common Lesbian Moms

(I’ve written about Showtime’s Nurse Jackie before. Below is my extended piece on the “lesbian mom” episode that aired a few weeks ago. Originally published in Bay Windows and Philadelphia Gay News. Obsessive fans may also want to read After Ellen’s interview with the show’s creators, out lesbians Linda Wallem and Liz Brixius.) Finally, someone

Weekly Political Roundup

Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) introduced a transgender-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) into the U.S. Senate. Co-sponsors were Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Susan Collins (R-ME). The American Bar Association’s House of Delegates passed a resolution calling on Congress to repeal the section of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that denies federal marital benefits and

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