October 2009

Dr. Susan Love Recruits a Gay and Trans Army Against Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I haven’t posted much about it because I tend to take a skeptical view of the pink bandwagon that gets rolling this time of year. Nothing wrong with raising awareness and money, but some breast cancer survivors feel companies are trying to exploit them and pretty up what is […]

Update on Scholastic and “Luv Ya Bunches”

Wow. As I write this, over 1900 people have signed the online petition asking Scholastic to include Lauren Myracle’s new book Luv Ya Bunches in their school Book Fairs. Scholastic has asserted that they are not censoring the book, but are carrying it in their Book Clubs. That is true, as the original School Library

More on the Book Scholastic Banned

I posted Friday about Scholastic’s refusal to include Lauren Myracle’s new book Luv Ya Bunches in their school Book Fairs after she refused to change one character’s lesbian moms into a mom and a dad. Here’s a video of Myracle talking about the book. As you can see, the book is hardly “about” lesbian moms,

Tinkerbell: The New “Butch Action Star”

Conservative writer Debbie Schlussel, best known for her anti-Islamic vitriol, has a new target: Disney’s Tinkerbell. Schussel criticizes the new look Tink is sporting for her latest movie, Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure, calling it “butch and silly” and “not that different from Peter Pan.” (Clearly she’s forgotten that women played Peter Pan in

Weekly Political Roundup

What a week in LGBT political news! Here are some of the highlights: National News The U.S. Senate approved the Matthew Shepard & James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. It now goes to President Obama, who has said he will sign it. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a series of

Scholastic Bans Book with Lesbian Moms from Book Fairs

[Updated: 10/24, 10:40 a.m. ET: Change.org has posted an action alert about this, complete with an easy automated message you can send to Scholastic.] Most of us with young children in public school know about Scholastic Book Fairs. Many of us remember them from our own childhoods. Now comes news that Scholastic has banned a

Rosie and Kelli Working on Their Issues; So Is the Media

Two of the most famous lesbian-mom spouses in the world are having trouble. Rosie O’Donnell told USA Today that all is not well between herself and spouse Kelli Carpenter O’Donnell, but would not confirm if Kelli had moved out, as some sources are reporting. Here’s the interesting thing about how the story is being reported,

LGBT Parenting Roundup

I’m breaking away from the bullet points for this roundup, and going for the “connected by vague trains of thought” approach. [Updated 8:30 p.m. Added an article by Jessica Cerretani that I’d missed earlier because the Boston Globe screwed up our delivery last Sunday.] Let’s start with the best news: U.S. Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA)

Heather Has a New Edition

Heather Has Two Mommies, the classic picture book about a girl with lesbian moms, is now out in a new 20th anniversary edition. Author Lesléa Newman has a piece in this week’s Publisher’s Weekly, in which she discusses the origins of the book and reactions both positive and negative. I have to admit, though, that

Three Stories of Hope

Three stories too good to wait for another full roundup: Inspiration Two gay dads whose son is a ballet dancer? It sounds like an uninformed cliché, but Ontario dad Rob Gibson says of 11-year-old James, “We didn’t even push him in dance.” Apparently, teachers and family friends noticed the boy’s sense of rhythm, and encouraged

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