“Infertile Homosexual Speaks!”

whosyourdaddyHere is the seventh in my series of quotes from Who’s Your Daddy? And Other Writings on Queer Parenting. I’ll be running them for a couple of weeks courtesy of the book’s editor, Rachel Epstein. I’m choosing the quotes I feel are most intriguing and thought provoking; I don’t always agree with the sentiments, but I hope they will spur some discussion in the comments and encourage you to seek out the book for yourselves.

For more on how to get this Canadian-published volume (and you should!), see my original post about it.

Today’s quote is from Shira Spector’s essay, “Red Rock Baby Candy: Infertile Homosexual Speaks!”:

It’s complex and there’s a great deal of shut up about your mal-functioning girly bits vibe around in the world in general. Now, if you bring in the queer thing, there’s this strange double silence. Because you hear even less about pregnancy loss/infertility from queers busily trying to put their fest parenting face forward. . . . No one is too interested in messing up that rosy picture—it’s hard because positive-images traps exist for a reason. We still need to defend our human rights and our families, but our omissions deny us the luxury of complication and support we might get from each other. Playing it safe and remaining silent has a terrible price—we, of all people, should not forget this.

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