What Non-LGBT Legislation Did You Watch in 2009?

The other day I asked about the LGBT-related legislation and/or court cases that had the most impact on your lives this past year.

I’m guessing it’s not a good week to ask questions, as many of us are busy with holiday prep, but if you have a minute between wrapping presents, please share:

Which non-LGBT-specific political issues have you watched most closely this year? Climate change? Health care? The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Other matters?

2 thoughts on “What Non-LGBT Legislation Did You Watch in 2009?”

  1. My household has paid the most attention to the election to fill Senator Kennedy’s seat. This is primarily because my preteen son is currently fascinated by anything to do with election politics, and it’s the only major race going at the moment. (Although he’s happy to discuss odds for various potential candidates in the presidential election in 2012 if you ask him to.) It got to the point where my partner and I would occasionally have to declare specific mealtimes or car rides as “election-free zones” so we could talk about something else. I love that my son is interested in politics, but when I’m less than thrilled about the pool of candidates, a little discussion goes a long way!

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