February 2010

In Memoriam: Brendan Burke

Last November, I posted about Brian Burke, the gruff president and general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, who very publicly supported his gay son Brendan, a hockey player for Miami University. Today I just learned of the sad news that Brendan was killed in a weather-related two-car accident in Indiana Friday afternoon. My deepest […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen told a Senate committee he is in favor of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert Gates said they have appointed a high-level working group to report, by the end of the year, on how the military can implement such a change if Congress

They Might Be Allies

I was thrilled to hear indie band They Might Be Giants performing the theme song for Rosie O’Donnell’s recent HBO special, A Family Is a Family Is a Family. Unfortunately, the song, “And Mom and Kid,” isn’t yet available online. I give you instead “Roy G. Biv,” from their generally awesome album Here Comes Science.

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Schools and Youth The Tennessee General Assembly’s House Education subcommittee referred to another subcommittee two bills that would ban the teaching of any sexuality other than heterosexuality. That means the bills’ fate is uncertain, although the head of the Tennessee Equality Project said he would have preferred a vote to defeat them. Don’t Ask, Don’t

ABC Set to Pilot New Show with Gay Dad

ABC is set to revive a pilot about two exes, one a gay dad, raising their teen son along with their new significant others, says the Hollywood Reporter. It’s unclear from the coverage, but it seems as if the exes were an opposite-sex couple. Entertainment Weekly writer Jennifer Armstrong says, “I salute ABC for not

Lesbian Albatrosses Welcome Chick

The two female albatrosses in New Zealand who have been incubating an egg together are now the proud parents of a little chick. The Times Online reports: For the next six months the new parents will take turns to alternately guard and feed the chick, with one protecting it from predators while the other goes

The ABC’s of IRA Inheritance for LGBT’s

Pointing out another fine post by my spouse at her blog. (Hey, Valentine’s Day is coming up. Gotta do what I can.) Want to know how to keep your disapproving Aunt Sally from ending up with your money? Read what Helen wrote the other day about The ABC’s of IRA Inheritance for LGBT’s.

“Our Big Gayborhood” Opens Its Doors

Many of you know Lori Hahn from her blog Hahn at Home, where she writes about life as the single parent of teens. Because that clearly wasn’t enough to keep her busy, she has also joined with writer Margo Moon to launch Our Big Gayborhood, “an entertaining new site full of lively, powerful, snarky, reflective

Snow Songs from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, www.gottaplay.org. I’ve created links

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