Spring Agenda

Consider this an open thread for the first week of spring. What’s up with all of you?

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5 thoughts on “Spring Agenda”

  1. I say Spring Cleaning’s on the agenda, but that just means it’s all I can do not to obsess over everything that needs to be done. I’m much too overwhelmed by it all to actually tackle it! Besides, two kids, two cats, three adults, and an overgrown rottie puppy, what’s the point???

  2. Spring cleaning sounds great, but just keeping up with regular cleaning is a challenge for us too! Spring break is next week at our daycare — we’ll start the week with a Passover seder with family and will hope for good playground weather the rest of the time.

    April, happy birthday to your son!

  3. Mostly we’ve been coping with long commutes due to detouring around roads that are closed due to flooding from spring rain. Sigh.. the roads that just reopened yesterday are now closing again. We’ve also been doing a lot of spring yard clean-up. (This winter produced a bumper crop of pinecones!) And it’s great to see all the spring flowers come up — my partner planted about 100 bulbs last autumn, and now we’ve got crocuses everywhere with more stuff on its way.

  4. Your spring sounds like ours. Our house managed to avoid most of the flooding, but some areas of our town are under water. We also got hit by the Great Pinecone Deluge of 2009. A neighbor who’s an arborist says pine trees do that every seven years or so–throw off an excess of cones in a bonus bid for survival. Who knew? We must have had several thousand on our lawn. Alas, we weren’t organized enough last fall to plant bulbs. Maybe next year. We did just have a few trees taken down, though–ones that were dangerously close to the house. Pretty cool (and a tad scary) watching the 50-ton, 125-foot crane lift them up whole and carry them over our house to the truck. Now we just need to figure out what to plant this spring.

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