March 2010

Spring Agenda

Consider this an open thread for the first week of spring. What’s up with all of you? [polldaddy poll=2941772]

Nurse Jackie Season Two: The Return of the Lesbian Moms?

Showtime’s Nurse Jackie has its Season Two premiere tonight at 10 p.m. ET. I’ll be watching. I loved the show last season, not only for Edie Falco as Jackie, but also because it’s one of the few shows that has done lesbian moms right—that is to say, with a storyline more original than “two lesbians

Weekly Political Roundup

National Guard Lt. Dan Choi and former Army Capt. Jim Pietrangelo were arrested Thursday after chaining themselves to the White House fence to protest Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT). Pietrangelo was discharged under DADT in 2004, and Choi is in the process of being discharged under it now. Also arrested was activist Robin McGehee of

Cat Cora to Receive Alumna of the Year Award at CIA

Cat Cora, the Food Network’s “Iron Chef,” will be honored tonight as “Alumna of the Year” by her alma mater, the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) at the CIA Leadership Awards (“Augie Awards”) in New York City. Cat and her partner Jennifer welcomed their fourth son last July, with Cat giving birth to him not

LGBT Parenting Roundup

First, something not specific to parenting but that affects LGBT families with and without children: The Bilerico Project and many other blogs are holding a blogswarm today asking readers to contact Speaker Nancy Pelosi at 202-225-4965 and request that she move the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) to a floor vote. Further details are here. One

Census Form Ignores Non-Biological, Non-Adoptive Parents

I posted yesterday about the Census, and in replying to a comment I was reminded of a conversation we had here about a year ago regarding the Census and non-biological parents. I’m dusting it off, incorporating some of the comments, and posting it again, since those of us in the U.S. are receiving our Census

Making Sense of the Census

I received my U.S. Census form yesterday, and assume many of you did as well. I encourage you all to fill them out and return them promptly. Oh, but why, you ask, when we still have our tax forms, kids’ summer camp registrations, and field trip permission forms to complete?

Prop 8 and Playdates

(I wrote this for my Mombian newspaper column back in January, but since both sides in the Prop 8 trial have recently filed their final briefs and Judge Vaughn Walker may soon schedule closing arguments, I thought it was worth posting here now. ) I agree with Robin Wirthlin. The Massachusetts Mormon mother and I

Weekly Political Roundup

U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) introduced a bill to amend the Fair Housing Act to ban housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The commissioners of Kissimmee, Florida voted to allow city employees to cover their unmarried domestic partners under the city’s health and dental insurance plan. The Oklahoma state Senate approved an

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 101

Helen and I bring you the Nature Edition of our vlog this week, with a look at what we’ve been doing outdoors with our son as the weather turns slightly warmer. This leads us to a discussion of science, education policy, and what happens when life imitates video games. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-11-10

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