June 2010

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Two French gay dads are having difficulties bringing home their twins, born through a surrogate in India. France does not allow surrogacy, and the French consulate is refusing to transfer the twins’ names to the French birth registry, a necessary step before they can obtain passports. A gay Israeli couple had similar problems last month. […]

Questions from Our Kids

Since we’ve had some great comment threads here about parenting issues lately, here’s another topic for discussion: What’s the question from your child(ren) that you’ve found most difficult to answer (LGBT-related or not)? OR What’s the potential question that you are most anxious about trying to answer? Leave a comment—or your advice for others about

Adoption Agency Seeks Lesbian Moms–But What About Gay Dads?

Every Sunday, the Boston Globe publishes “Sunday’s Child,” a column featuring a child or siblings who need an adoptive family. This week, the column (not yet online) notes that the child, “would do well with a single mother or a two-parent family (mom and dad or two moms) in which she is the only or

An Invitation, A Fridge, and a Known Donor

Many of you have participated in my recent giveaways of And Baby Makes More and the wonderful discussions they have generated. Co-editor Susan Goldberg has asked me to invite readers to the official book launch tomorrow in New York. Hope some of you can make it. (I won’t be able to, unfortunately, being far away

New Results from Largest Study of Lesbian Families Show Children Happy and Healthy

A new report from the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS), the longest-running and largest study of American lesbian families, has found that the 17-year-old children of lesbian mothers, all conceived through donor insemination, “were rated higher than their peers in social, academic, and overall competence, and lower in aggressive behavior, rule-breaking, and social problems, on

Songs About Special Places from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, www.gottaplay.org. I’ve created links

Weekly Political Roundup

President Obama extended certain benefits to the domestic partners of federal employees that are available to the opposite-sex spouses of employees. They do not include health insurance or retirement benefits, however. You’ve probably heard by now that President Obama has issued a proclamation for Pride Month. Here’s my more in-depth piece looking at how his

One More Winner – And Great Comments

Congratulations to Susan, winner of the third And Baby Makes More giveaway! Once again, the comments left in response to the contest question—”What’s the one thing you wish someone had told you before you became a parent? OR What’s the one thing you’d like to know before becoming one?”—have been fascinating, funny, and informative. If

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Here’s what’s been happening while we’ve been celebrating Memorial Day and Blogging for LGBT Families Day: Politics and Law “Ex-lesbian” mom Lisa Miller is rumored to have fled the country with the eight-year-old daughter she was supposed to turn over to the girl’s other mom, Janet Jenkins. Jenkins’ attorney Sarah Star said to the Associated

Thanks — and a Third Giveaway

Thanks to every one of you who contributed a post or comment to Blogging for LGBT Families Day. Once again, I am overwhelmed by their variety and thoughtfulness. I’ll be highlighting various posts and themes in the coming days, but I urge you to read through them for yourselves. As a further way of saying

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