Quote of the Day: “Whatever”

Today’s young people tend to look at homosexuality—the people who are paying attention, that is—with a big fat ‘whatever,’ which any parent can tell you is three steps beyond ‘tolerance.’ Tolerance implies a power structure. ‘Whatever’ does not.

—Susan Campbell, Hartford Courant, June 15, 2010.

My mom saves newspaper clippings for me. When I was in college, an envelope would regularly arrive stuffed with scraps of whatever caught her eye that she thought would interest me. Now, she saves them to pass on whenever she comes to visit her grandson. I’d say she has about a 50 percent success rate — but that’s better than many blog and Twitter streams I follow.

Yesterday, for example, she handed me a copy of  the column about Glee and Christian fundamentalism from which the above quote is taken. Thanks, Mom!

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