August 2010

New Books and Media for LGBT Families

(Originally published in Bay Windows, July 23, 2010. Regular readers will recognize many of the items in this mid-year roundup from previous reviews I’ve done—but there’s one new item in there, so read on.) It’s been a good year so far for books and media about LGBT parenting—but not so much for items aimed at […]

How Well Do You Know Your Sperm Donor Movies? And Why They Matter

Okay, dear readers: Here’s a little Monday-morning puzzler for you. Which movie involving a sperm donor is referenced in the following quote? The point of the movie is what is it that defines family? It isn’t necessarily the traditional mother, father, two children and a dog named Spot. Love is love and family is what

Mombian Weekly Reader

I’m not going to do my usual political roundup this week because the Prop 8 ruling and Elena Kagan’s confirmation have made it a week full o’ politics. I will, however, point out a few items, political and otherwise, that are worth a read. “What teens think about Prop. 8 being struck down” from the

Prop 8 Reading List for the Day After

It’s been all Prop 8, all the time in the LGBT blogosphere for the last day or so, with a sprinkling of Elena Kagan softball jokes thrown in. Here are a couple of pieces I wrote about the Prop 8 ruling over at—they’re not parenting-specific, but may be of interest to some of you:

BREAKING: Equality Wins in California; Prop 8 Unconstitutional

California’s ban on the marriage of same-sex couples is unconstitutional, ruled U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker. He then quickly issued a temporary stay of the ruling until Friday, by which time both sides must file papers in response to the stay—meaning same-sex couples can’t marry quite yet.  More thoughts and analysis to come . . .

All Right Kid Thinks The Kids Are All Right Is All Right

Yes, we’re all waiting for the Prop 8 decision to come out later today. In the meantime, let’s go back to the ongoing discussion about The Kids Are All Right. Over at Moms and Bombs, Kellen Kaiser asserts, “I’m ‘all right’, I don’t know about the rest of them,” and offers her opinion as the

The Mama Grizzlies vs. the Mama Lezzies

(A new report came out yesterday that reevaluated the reasons California’s Prop 8 passed in November 2008. Among the findings (my emphasis): The most effective decision made by either campaign—the one with the biggest impact on the outcome—was Yes on 8’s decision to appeal to appeal to anti-gay prejudice by dishonestly alleging danger to kids.

Water Songs from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, I’ve created links

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