The 10 Gayest Things from Our Disney Vacation

My family and I took a last-minute vacation to Disney World last week. We had been planning to go later in the year, but got a good end-of-summer deal and decided to go for it.

I make it a habit not to blog about vacations while actually on them—to me, it’s like putting up a big sign saying, “My house is empty, come and get it.” Now that we’re back, though, I thought I’d share the 10 Gayest Things from Our Disney Vacation. (OK, some of them are a stretch, but I had fun putting this together.)

10. Labrys decorations topping many of the buildings in the Magic Kingdom.

9. Pirate Tinkerbell. In a place where the “girls = princesses and boys = pirates” motif is pervasive, it’s nice to see this small acknowledgement that some of us live outside gender expectations.

8. Abraham Lincoln, featured in the Hall of Presidents show in the Magic Kingdom. (Well, maybe.)

7. My Mickey Mouse rainbow pin. Because ya gotta represent.

6. The “Stop AIDS” sign and protesters shown briefly as part of a series of images about twentieth-century activism during “The American Experience” presentation at Epcot. (No, AIDS isn’t specifically gay. But the movement to stop AIDS has been driven in large part by the LGBT community—and this was the only mention, however oblique, of LGBT activism in the context of other American civil rights movements.)

5. k. d. lang’s image in the montage of famous Canadians at the “O, Canada” show in Epcot.

4. “Ellen’s Energy Adventure” at Epcot: a fun but fluffy tour of fossil fuels and the importance of alternative energy sources.

3. The male cast members who would give us knowing smiles when Helen, our son, and I walked by holding hands.

2. Eating at Iron Chef and lesbian mom Cat Cora’s restaurant Kouzzina—and meeting another two-mom couple and their one-year-old in the lobby while waiting for our tables. If you happen to read this, say hi! (And if a lesbian is judged by the quality of her hummus, Cat ranks right up there—although I have to give the place points off for the waiter who didn’t bring our appetizers until after our entrées.)

And the number one gayest moment of our vacation, after the jump:

1. Because who doesn’t look good in Minnie bridal ears? (This is, of course, banned under the state constitution.)


7 thoughts on “The 10 Gayest Things from Our Disney Vacation”

  1. The matching Minnie bridal ears is very gay indeed! And I’m guessing, from the photo angle, that your son took the picture? If so, kudos to him for doing such a nice job.

    And I hope your son has/had a good start back to school.

  2. Good guess! Yes, our son was the photographer. He was very proud of using my big SLR camera (with the strap securely around his neck first).

  3. About #3… It is not just the male cast members! Although I didn’t encounter your family, I’m one of those female CMs giving all the gay folks that knowing smile. Just today I sold ice cream to a guy wearing the “just married” button, while his husband stood near by.

  4. Wow, great post. I never knew Disney was so gay friendly. In most of Uk’s society we’re not represented at all, so this is encouraging. Our kids grew up with us being the only gays in the village!
    But maybe that was no bad thing, as it led to me writing two children’s books, for kids with two moms.
    I just discovered your site today, but I’ll be back.

  5. Cool! Maybe my lesbo-dar was malfunctioning in the heat. Somehow I spotted more gay men than lesbians (and usually, I’m much better at spotting the women–no surprise).

  6. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » Cat Cora on Cover of Working Mother

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