“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 123

This week, Helen and I discuss two recent books about lesbian moms—bestselling author Jodi Picoult’s new novel Sing You Home and Times Two, a memoir by a couple who were pregnant simultaneously. We also share one of our favorite new creative kids’ toys.

(Note: I’ll have more on both books coming up here at Mombian. Times Two is brand-spanking new—it’s not technically out until April 5, but seems to be shipping already from Amazon, BN.com, Powells, and probably other online venues. One of the moms is a founding member of the all-women rock band Antigone Rising, which has toured with Joan Jett and the Rolling Stones, among others, and whose CDs you may have seen in Starbucks.)

Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-31-2011 by drudolph
(If the embedded video above doesn’t work for you, try it at Dailymotion.)

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