If you read one story about lesbian moms today, make it this one from RH Reality Check, by Jaime Jenett. Jenett writes from her perspective as the nonbiological mother of a critically ill child, and says, “policies designed to prevent same sex families from having legal protections took on a whole new meaning for me” after the birth of her son.
She also describes her neighbors in California, whose “Yes on Prop 8” sticker hurt her every time she passed by. She wrote them a letter (also posted at her blog)—and got a response, not from the same neighbor, but from another Yes on 8 supporter whom they had met at a camp for children with cardiac disease.
The woman wrote, “After meeting you two and reading your blogs I’m so sorry for my stupidity. I saw the love you and Laura shared with each other and Simon. As a fellow heart mother I know whats it’s like to have a child fighting for their life. Why would I or should I deny you or Simon the same rights as me.”
You should go read the whole response at Jenett’s blog. You might want a box of tissues handy.
I was stunned, moved, brightened, surprised, heartwarmed, impressed, and everything else in between when I read this.
Thank you SO MUCH for drawing this to our attention. Jaimie Jenett’s direct eloquence was a perfect vehicle for the simple truths about love and pain at the core of this whole entire entire topic.
Thank you again. And of course (as I’ll say to her on her blog post), thanks to Jamie. On behalf of all of us.
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