10 Ideas for Things to Write About on Blogging for LGBT Families Day

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011Tomorrow is the 6th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day! I welcome supportive posts on all aspects of LGBT families—but if you’re having trouble coming up with an idea, here are a few to consider:

  1. A personal story about your child(ren)
  2. A story about your own parent(s)
  3. A personal story about an LGBT family you know
  4. A philosophical reflection on what parenting means to you (or why you want to become a parent, if you are not yet one)
  5. If I could change one thing to make my state/country better for LGBT families, it would be. . . .
  6. Something you have in common with a non-LGBT family (if you are LGBT; vice versa if you are not)
  7. A piece of local or national political news/legislation that affects you as a family (for good or bad)
  8. A children’s book or show that reflects an important aspect of your family (family structure, race/ethnicity, values, etc.)
  9. Why you think we need more children’s books/media that reflect a certain aspect of your family
  10. If you could tell the world one thing about your family, it would be. . . .

Just post at your usual blog, and submit the post here to be added to the master list for everyone to see. (You can submit it through the form at the bottom of this post if you have it done already.)

Please grab a banner after the jump and promote the event on your site, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The more people who participate, the more impact our voices will have.

Please download the image(s) you want to your own computer (and then upload them to your blog, Facebook, etc.), rather than link to the image files here. (If I find people are doing that, I will change the image names so old image links won’t work.)


  • Right-click the image (Mac users: click and hold) and choose “Download image,” “Save image as…” or “Save picture as…” Follow the prompts in the dialogue box to save to your computer.
  • Upload to your blog or Facebook as you would any image.
  • Link the image to: http://www.mombian.com/2011/05/02/save-the-date-blogging-for-lgbt-families-day-june-1/
  • You may not modify the images and may only use them to link to the Blogging for LGBT Families Day posts at Mombian.

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011 Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011 Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011 Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011

1 thought on “10 Ideas for Things to Write About on Blogging for LGBT Families Day”

  1. Pingback: Mombian Prepares to Celebrate “Blogging for LGBT Families Day” on June 1 | GLAADBlog.org

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