My son loves his stuffed bear in a way that makes me hope that when he’s older, he marries someone he loves just as much. (The bear, I suspect, may be his best man.) I was therefore touched by a heart-warming story in early June about a Boston transit worker who stopped a train in order to rescue a little girl’s stuffed bunny that had fallen onto the tracks. I saw the story on several mainstream news channels, including the NBC Nightly News—but I somehow didn’t make the connection that the family involved was that of lesbian moms Casey and Michelle and their daughter Roozle, whose adventures Casey chronicles at Life with Roozle.
What can I say? The beginning of June was crazy for me, what with end-of-school year activities and my son’s birthday (not to mention my own), and I missed Casey’s post about the bunny. I’m thrilled, though, that the media treated this like any other “local color” story, and didn’t make a point about saying that Roozle has lesbian moms. One can’t even tell from the NBC coverage. The local CBS station simply and correctly used the phrase “her wife.” Sometimes a story about a girl and her bunny is really just about the girl and her bunny.
But if you want to hear more about Roozle’s family’s other adventures, go read Casey’s blog.
So glad that you shared this…and glad the focus was on the bunny. So glad bunny is home safely! I don’t want to think about what would happen if our girl lost her “lovey”.