Essence’s “Mommy Talk” Talks With Lesbian Mom’s “Mommy Talk” columnist Chic Busy Mom spoke recently with Donyell Thompson, who is raising a one-year-old son with her spouse Krista. Thanks to Elixher for the link.

In the column, Thompson talks about starting their family through IVF, hoping to have another child, male role models, finding an inclusive school, making time for themselves as a couple, defining their roles as gestational and non-gestational mother, and their advice for other lesbian couples considering parenthood. As if that wasn’t enough, she also mentions that Krista is training for the New York marathon, the two of them are planning a 50-mile bike ride, and they make their own baby wipes, detergent, and deodorant. I’m tired just thinking about all that.

Here’s a short excerpt:

CHIC BUSY MOM: Do you feel the need to prepare your kids about how to deal with ‘family structure’ questions from their peers?

DONYELL THOMPSON: We do feel it is necessary to provide our son with the language and knowledge to respond to questions from other adults and peers about his family structure. We also feel that it is necessary to provide him with the same language and knowledge to deal with questions pertaining to his cultural identity in a white dominated society. As an African American male, we know that our son will face challenges, especially since he is being raised by two women, so it is our responsibility to raise him with the ability to answer questions about his race and family structure in a positive manner.

Go read and enjoy the full piece at Essence, but make sure to drop a comment over at Elixher, too, to thank them for showcasing this piece.

1 thought on “Essence’s “Mommy Talk” Talks With Lesbian Mom”

  1. Essence has been a leader among mainstream women’s mags in highlighting lesbians, dating back to when Linda Villarosa was their executive editor in the early 90s. Brava Esssence!

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