Help Girl with Two Moms Win Scholarship

Olivia Kelly is a 14-year-old student in Massachusetts who’s in the running to win a $50,000 college scholarship for sharing the story of how her moms met — but she needs your help!

The MatchMade Scholarship Contest contest from online dating site is offering a college scholarship to the child of a parent who married through the site. It’s simple: the video with the most shares and likes on Facebook and Twitter wins!

Watch the absolutely charming video below that Olivia made with her stepsister Lucia. They met in 2011 when their moms started dating and have clearly formed a wonderful sisterly bond. (And clearly, Scrabble seems to be a thing among lesbian moms these days.)

To vote for them, just click right here to share on Facebook or Twitter. If that doesn’t work for you, for any reason, share as you wish, but you MUST share the link:

Thanks to GLAAD for the tip!

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