Lois and Lily Go on a Cruise

lego_cruise_fbHere’s the latest in my occasional series about Lois and Lily, two Lego lesbians, and their little lad. In today’s post, they share a photo from their summer cruise.

Here they are about to board the ship. Catch up on all of Lois and Lily’s photo album over at the Mombian Facebook page, and please give the page a “Like,” too.

My spouse, son, and I went on an actual cruise this past summer to Alaska with her family and my mom. It wasn’t quite the same as the Olivia cruises we’ve taken, but I did love being on the water and having a week to relax. (Well, except for the small matter of a fire in the engine room shortly after we set out, but with my Kindle and an endless food buffet, I was back to relaxing in no time.)

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