Gayby Baby, a wonderful documentary from the perspective of children with same-sex parents, will be premiering this April. Watch the trailer here.
Award-winning Australian filmmaker Maya Newell has lesbian moms, and turned her camera to the lives of four young people—Gus, Ebony, Matt and Graham—who also grew up, or are growing up, with same-sex parents in Australia. It’s a lovely look at their very different lives, from their perspectives. I first reported on the film back in 2012, and am thrilled to see it finally get a full release as it premieres at the Hot Docs Film Festival in Toronto, Canada. (A short version premiered on Australian television in 2013.)
Other documentaries from the perspective of those with gay or lesbian parents include Meema Spadola’s Our House (2000, updated 2008; my review and interview here), and two short films by Jen Gilomen and COLAGE: In My Shoes (2005) and Family Time (2010). The latter two are available free on YouTube at the links above.
Let’s hope Gayby Baby makes it to our televisions (or online streaming services) soon!
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