Stand with Target Against Hate

Stand With TargetMy family buys a lot at Target. My son’s favorite hoodie. Cheerios. Socks. Cat litter. School supplies. I was disturbed, therefore, when a conservative group called for a boycott of the company for its support of transgender equality. Here’s how we can respond.

The company, which has long been a supporter of LGBTQ equality across the board, said last week that transgender customers are welcome to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. The conservative American Family Association responded with a petition urging a boycott of the company. They claim it has gained more than 744,800 signatures as of yesterday afternoon.

The Family Equality Council has launched #StandWithTarget, a website and social media campaign offering various ways you can show your support of the big red retailer. And blogger and dad Roger Sinasohn, an ally and longtime participant in Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day, has launched a petition at so you can easily send a message to Target CEO Brian Cornell.

Yes, corporate America is out to make a buck—but many corporations have also helped move the ball forward on LGBTQ equality. Let’s not risk having bigots make Target question its position.

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