Looking for books to explain to your children some of the issues and stories around immigration, refugees, and the growing resistance movement in the U.S.? Here are some that may help.
Unlike children’s books with LGBTQ content, this isn’t my particular area of expertise, so here’s a list of lists from others who have plumbed the topic in more depth than I (with a few added suggestions of my own).
On immigrants and refugees:
- “9 lovely children’s books about the immigrant experience to help encourage more kindness and empathy,” from CoolMomPicks.
- “30 Multicultural Picture Books about Immigration,” from Colours of Us.
- “15 Books for Kids About the Immigrant Experience in America,”from Brightly.
- “The Refugee Experience: Books for Children,” from ColorÃÂn Colorado.
- “12 Children’s Books About Refugees,” from What Do We Do All Day (who notes wisely, “Because picture books are a great way to introduce advanced readers to tough topics, be sure to read these books aloud to your older kids, too”).
- “14 Children’s Books About Refugees,” from the Institute for Humane Education. (This list also includes a few chapter books.)
Moving away from immigrant and refugee experiences per se:
- “Muslim Kids as Heroes,” from Kitaab World.
- “35 Picture Books for Young Activists” from All the Wonders—to which I would add two new books by Innosanto Nagara (whose A Is for Activist
 is listed): Counting on Community
 (a board book like A Is for Activist) and My Night in the Planetarium
, for slightly older picture-book readers, about a boy growing up during the Indonesian revolution. I’d also add my own list of “Seven LGBTQ Pride Books for Kids.
Finally, while it’s not a list of books, Teaching Tolerance has a good article on “What Do I Say to Students About Immigration Orders?” including a list of resources, which may be useful for parents as well.
Have any further suggestions? Leave a comment!