Your Help Needed to Increase Understanding of LGBTQ Families

MegaphoneTwo new studies seek to increase people’s understanding of LGBTQ families—but they need your help!

The first, led by HRC Foundation and Clark University, will look at the impact of potential discrimination in the foster care and adoption systems in the U.S. Ten states have now implemented “religious exemption” laws that allow child care agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ people and others in adoption and foster care, and cases on the issue are making their way through the courts. It is critical to document the harm such discrimination will cause.  The research will be conducted by Professor Abbie Goldberg, Ph.D., whose work on LGBTQ families I’ve written of multiple times.

All LGBTQ people over the age of 18 are invited to participate. Learn more and take the survey here.

The second, Stigma and Social Support Across the Transition to Parenthood, led by Dr. Samantha Tornello, assistant professor of Human Development & Family Studies at Pennsylvania State University, will look at the experiences of new and expecting cisgender female couples in creating their families. Dr. Tornello writes:

Are you in a same-sex female relationship and either in the process of creating a family, currently expecting, or have a new infant in your household? Would you and you partner be willing to answer some confidential survey questions and participate in an interview about your experiences and family?

The purpose of this study is to examine the many ways families headed by same-sex couples have been created, examine the experiences, both positive (social support) and negative (stigma and discrimination), of creating your family, and learn about the relationship between partners.

The study consists of two major parts. The first part is an online survey that will take about 30-45 minutes to complete and phone/video interview which will take approximately 60-90 minutes of your time. Both members of the couple will participate separately and each will receive a $25 online Amazon gift card for their time.

The second part of the study will take place a few months later with a 10-15 minutes survey. This survey will be created from your prior interview. In addition, there will be a follow up phone/video discussion regarding your thoughts and opinions of the newly constructed survey. Again, both members of the couple will participate separately and each will receive a $25 online Amazon gift card for their time. Participants who take part in both parts of the study will receive a total of $50 in Amazon gift cards per individual.

To qualify for the study you have to identify as a cisgender female, be in a same-sex relationship, and you and your partner need to be either

(1) a couple where one partner is currently pregnant (second/third trimester) and will be biologically related to the child.
(2) a couple with a newborn (birth-2 months of age) who is biologically related to one member of the couple.
(3) a couple with a newborn (3-6 months of age) who is biologically related to one member of the couple.

You and/or your partner do not need to be the child’s legal parent to participate. This study has been approved by the Pennsylvania State University IRB #STUDY00009957.

If you and your partner are interested in participating or want more information, please contact Dr. Samantha Tornello (Principal Investigator) via email SL***@ps*.edu. Dr. Tornello will send you a web link that you can use to access the study. If you want to know more about Dr. Tornello’s work please visit her website at

Thank you for your interest and I hope to hear about your family soon!


Dr. Samantha Tornello
Assistant Professor of Human Development & Family Studies
Pennsylvania State University
(814) 865-2655

Please consider participating in either or both of these studies, depending on your qualifications.

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