The Dreidel Song: A Very Queer Rewrite

DreidelsHanukkah starts this Sunday evening, which means I’m in a bit of a mood as I’m getting ready. I give to you all, therefore, a very queer rewrite of the classic Hanukkah song, “I Had a Little Dreidel.” Enjoy (and leave another verse, if you’re so inspired)!

(If you need the tune, I recommend this rollicking version with traditional lyrics, sung by Julie Silver, musician extraordinaire and lesbian mom.)

I have a little dreidel
And two moms who are gay
It doesn’t really matter
‘Cause they were born this way

Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel
With my moms I will play
We’ll invite in our neighbor
Who uses pronoun “they”

I have a friend from school, too
And she has a queer pop
They’ll join us playing dreidel
It’s more than a mere top

Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel
Nun, gimel, hay, or shin
It doesn’t really matter–
Just being here we win

No matter what your body
Your gender or your love
We’ll celebrate together
And our true friendship prove

Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel
We spin you ‘neath the lights
Rededicating ourselves
To fight for equal rights

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