Happy Anniversary to Us

Today, my spouse Helen and I are celebrating our second anniversary in a pandemic and our 28th overall. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather quarantine with than you, dear—and that’s no April Fool’s joke.

Dana and Helen

When I posted about our anniversary last year, I hoped (rather naively) that we’d be able to go out again by November, our “Massaversary” of being legally wed in Massachusetts. (One of the perks of being queer is that we often get multiple anniversaries.) Clearly, that didn’t happen. And this year, our anniversary falls right in the middle of Passover, which means that for me, cake is out of the question. (I know, I know, there are kosher for Passover cakes, but they’re never quite the same.) We’re therefore delaying our celebration until next week—but flexibility is one of the hallmarks of a good relationship, I think. Certainly it’s worked for us!

It’s been quite the year of changes for us in many ways beyond the pandemic, too, as our son prepares to finish high school and head off on his own. In the coming year, we’ll have to figure out how to live as just the two of us again. Family board game nights won’t be quite the same (though I suspect the three of us will continue to play over the holidays). Still, whatever the next 28 years (and beyond) may bring, I’m looking forward to spending it together. Happy anniversary, my love!

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