No, I didn’t recap Episode 6 since there wasn’t any parenting content in it, but there’s plenty in Episode 7, so buckle up!

Spoilers ahead.
Teen Tension
The first parenting-relevant scene gives us Angie trying to talk with her girlfriend Jordi about the questions she wants to ask her donor now that moms Bette and Tina have said she can meet him. Angie wants to write down her questions in advance so she won’t forget any, like what his parents did for a living, if he’s ever been arrested, or what his biggest regret is. Jordi is more interested in picking out her prom look and whether Angie will hang out at the park tomorrow. The lack of connection is palpable.
Fast forward to Angie talking with her donor sibling, Kayla, and telling her that Jordi’s “amazing, but “it just feels like we’re dealing with different stuff.” She explains that she’s trying to come up with questions to ask Kayla’s dad, her donor. Kayla offers to answer questions, too, or help Angie think of some. That’s what Angie wants Jordi to do. “Have you ever broken up with somebody before?” Angie then asks, in a thunderous bit of foreshadowing.
Fast forward again to Angie heading to the park in the pouring rain to meet Jordi and break up with her. Surprise! Jordi’s planned a prom-posal complete with a group of other teens dancing in matching raincoats and umbrellas. It’s adorable, and Angie finds herself saying yes. Later, she tells Jordi that she had been acting “weird.” Jordi says she didn’t want to spoil the surprise, and Angie admits it was “awesome.” Angie also says she was relieved because she had been worried she’d have to go to prom alone. It’s hard to tell if she’s serious here; presumably if she and Jordi are dating, they’d go to prom together, yes? Or is that not how young folks do things these days? Or was Angie hinting at the breakup she’d been contemplating? I still wouldn’t put too much faith in this relationship past prom, though Angie absolutely deserves to find someone special.
Missing Children
Alice is having brunch with Bette when she sees her ex, Nat, and goes over to say hi. They make awkward small talk, but at no point does Alice ask about Nat’s kids, whom Alice helped care for when she and Nat were together. Even if Alice was just trying to be nice, as she told Bette, you’d think she would have inquired about the kiddos! (I know, I know. This is hardly the least realistic thing about the show—but my specialty is the parenting bits, so here we are.)
Slow Down a Bit Here
Finley and Dani are in the throes (ahem!) of their brand-new relationship. Once they take a break for food, Dani asks Finley if she wants kids, and Finley says, “Like a f–k-ton of ’em.” This makes some sense; Finley coaches youth soccer, so we assume she’s good with kids. At the same time, Dani expresses doubts that Finley can even feed herself. “Think I’m like a big kid, don’t you?” Finley asks. Dani responds, with some justification, “Well, you kind of sort of are.” Granted, some youthful energy (in mind and/or body) can be a plus when parenting, but with Finley, we sense there’s also some maturing that needs to happen. At the end of the episode, she and Dani get pulled over, drunk, with Finley driving. Maybe they should wait a few years before calling the fertility clinic or adoption agency.