This week’s new LGBTQ-inclusive kids’ books are brought to you by the sound “oo.”
Yes, these three books that just came out today all have the sound “oo” in their titles. Coincidence or conspiracy? You decide! But young readers (and their grownups) will likely find much to enjoy about them—assuming, of course, that they’re in the mood….
Click titles or images for full reviews, purchase links, and more!

My Friend, Loonie, by Nina LaCour, illustrated by Ashling Lindsay (Candlewick). A girl’s two moms give her a yellow balloon that becomes her constant companion—until one day, it floats away, leaving her bereft. Her moms try to comfort her, but it is only after some time that the girl finds a way to engage positively with her memories and even find brightness in the world again. A gentle and comforting picture book about connection, loss, and memory.

Soon, Your Hands, by Jonathan Stutzman, illustrated by Elizabeth Lilly (Knopf). Each child’s hand fits into that of their grown-ups. But soon, they will grow, learn, make mistakes, feel, and tell stories, says this softly uplifting book. A two-dad family is among the three families featured.

Calling the Moon: 16 Period Stories from BIPOC Authors, edited by Aida Salazar and Yamile Saied Mendez (Candlewick). A rich collection of short fiction and poems by a wide variety of authors of color, this middle-grade volume offers a look at the many ways that getting one’s period (often for the first time) can impact one’s body, self-image, and relationship to others and to one’s culture. The tales cover a range of experiences, including that of a nonbinary 11-year-old getting their first period.