14 Recent Kids’ Books With Transgender Protagonists

This Sunday marks Transgender Day of Visibility, so let’s showcase some middle grade and picture book titles from 2023 and 2024 with transgender protagonists, great to read all year ’round!

While the number and range of trans-inclusive kids’ books has grown tremendously over the past few years, there are still many more stories to be told. From my (admittedly cisgender) perspective, we could still use more trans protagonists of color; more books where the person’s trans identity doesn’t drive the plot, but isn’t ignored; more books starring kids with trans parents; and more kids’ biographies of trans people throughout history and today. Trans readers may have many additional ideas. Some of the books below chip away at those needs, but there is still far to go.

Click images below for reviews, and please visit my full Database of LGBTQ Family Books and filter by the various tags for even more books about different trans identities.

May these books inspire us to keep working towards a vision of inclusion, equality, and affirmation.

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