For Gay Uncles Day: 18 Books from Past and Present Celebrating Queer Uncles

Today is Gay Uncles Day—and gay (and other queer) uncles have been the subject of picture books since 1989! Here are some of them (and a few for grown-ups) to help you celebrate these special people today and any day!

Let’s start by noting that in many of these books, the uncle’s/uncles’ sexuality is unknown. Yes, many are in same-sex relationships, but it’s unclear if they identify as gay, bisexual, or otherwise. There’s also one book below about a nonbinary person who uses the title “uncle” along with “they/them” pronouns (though other nonbinary people may choose blended titles like “auncle” and “untie”). I’m including these books as part of a general celebration of queer uncles, which seems to be how many folks are celebrating today’s holiday anyway.

Click images for full reviews and purchase links, and enjoy them with your favorite uncle(s)!

Recent Picture Books

Older Picture Books

These older books (from the 1980s, 90s, and 2000s) may be of more historical interest than anything—several use dated, euphemistic terminology (such as “friend” for a partner)—but all show the love of queer uncles for their nieces and nephews, and vice versa.

The last four each focus on a child who has an uncle with AIDS or who has died from complications of AIDS. They thoughtfully address the topic despite some era-typical coyness about the uncles’ romantic relationships.

All of the books in this section can be read free online (click images for links), so you may still wish to check them out.

Grown-Up Books

Fun fiction and wise advice!

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