Blog Admin

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays! Posting will be light on the blog for the next week or so while I make merry with my family, but I’ll keep up the fun on Facebook and Twitter. Please join me!

Summer Slowdown

Pride Month is over and summer vacation is upon us. I’m going to scale back posting frequency a bit (but not entirely!) for a couple of months in order to spend more time with my spouse and our son.

Chocolate cake

Mombian Is 11!

The Mombian blog is 11 years old! Thanks to all of you who have read, commented, and shared over the years!

Mombian Resource Directory Relaunched

It’s back! I’ve revamped and relaunched the Mombian Resource Directory, so come see what’s new. In addition to redesigning the interface, I’ve added new links, updated old ones, and removed ones that were defunct and many that hadn’t been updated in more than a year.

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Break

Posting will be light here for the next couple of weeks, but I’ll keep up the fun on Facebook and Twitter. Please join me!


Summer Slowdown

The awesome ruling for marriage equality came, as it happens, just as my son is finishing the school year. I’m going to focus for the next while, then, on a few pieces related to marriage, but will scale back posting frequency a bit to spend time with the person I’m actually married to and our son.

We’ve Redecorated!

Blogs are like children–sometimes they need a new set of clothes. Mombian is sporting a new look today, fresh and mobile-ready!

My Mother’s Passing

My mother died last Thursday, six weeks after a cancer diagnosis.

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