Media Coverage

Similac - The Mother 'Hood

Is Queer-Inclusive Similac Ad Still Exclusive?

On the face of it, Similac’s new ad, “The Mother ‘Hood,” is one of the most queer-inclusive ads I’ve seen recently, with both two-dad and two-mom families, including women who are rocking a clearly queer aesthetic. But does it exclude as well?

The Power of Matthew Shepard’s Story — and All Our Stories

Most of you likely know the story of Matthew Shepard, the University of Wyoming student brutally murdered in 1998 for being gay. Cathy Renna was working for GLAAD at the time, and was asked by the LGBT student group at the University to help manage the overwhelming media attention in the wake of the attack. She recently gave a TEDx talk on her experience, the impact of Matthew’s death, and the power of stories.

Edie Windsor Among the “Heroic Women of 2013”

I’m a sometimes-disgruntled Windows user with an iPad and an Android phone . . . but I applaud Microsoft for including DOMA challenger Edie Windsor (as well as out lesbian super-swimmer Diana Nyad) in its video “Celebrating the Heroic Women of 2013.” Watch below.


TV Alert: 7:30 p.m. ET Tonight — Al Jazeera America on LGBT Families and Adoption

A breaking TV alert: Al Jazeera America will be doing a segment tonight at 7:30 p.m. ET on LGBT families and adoption. One of their three guests is affiliated with the anti-LGBT National Organization for Marriage. The Family Equality Council, the national organization supporting LGBT families, is asking people to offer their perspectives through the online video comments and Twitter conversation about the show.


Progress and Problems: Family Diversity in the Media

I write a lot about LGBT representation in children’s media. But as a number of sources have made clear recently (and many of us can attest personally), children’s media needs to do a better job representing families that are diverse in many dimensions.

When Will Sesame Street Really Show LGBT Characters?

The New Yorker brought a smile to many of our faces with its latest cover, showing Sesame Street’s Bert and Ernie embracing while they watched news of the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision. I had mixed feelings about this, though, for the cover drove home to me once again how little representation of LGBT families there really is for the youngest age groups—even on a show known for its groundbreaking depictions of families of color, children with disabilities, and single moms.

LGBT Family Photos Wanted: From MS, NV, RI, WY

The Family Equality Council, PFLAG, and COLAGE are working on an LGBT family visibility project, covering 50 states with 50 family photos. They’re still in need of photos from families in a few more states: Mississippi, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Wyoming.

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