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End-of-Summer Fun

Here are a couple of sites to help you find things to do with your kids before they go back to school (or even after): Find a children’s museum near you through the Association of Children’s Museums. For older children, find a science center through the Association of Science – Technology Centers.

TV Tonight

Coming up tonight on Showtime, “Same Sex America,” a documentary following the path of the seven couples who spearheaded the successful effort to legalize same-sex marriage in Massachusetts. The show is repeated several times through July 9; check the SHO site for details.

Family Week

There’s just over a month now until the 10th Annual Provincetown Family Week. The week-long festivities are organized by the Family Pride Coalition, and include a variety of activities for children and adults, both fun and informative. Further information and registration is available online. On a political note, Jennifer Chrisler, executive director of the Family

Animal Cams

Delight your kids (and maybe even yourself) with live-action animal cams from some of the best institutions in the U.S. The Animal Cams from the National Zoo in Washington, DC show you what the elephants, giraffes, gorillas, pandas, and other animals are doing right now. (Sometimes the answer is "staying off camera," so you may

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