Books for Kids

Middle grade books about large LGBTQ families

12 Queer-Inclusive Middle Grade Books About Large, Chaotic Families

The next volume in one of my favorite middle grade series is out today, about a large, chaotic family that happens to have many queer people in it! But large, queer-inclusive families actually star in a number of great books, including several series, so I’m rounding them up for you!

LGBTQ Back-to-School books 2024

4 New LGBTQ-Inclusive Picture Books for Back to School

Even though many of us are still enjoying summer, back-to-school time will soon be upon us—so here are four recent and relevant LGBTQ-inclusive picture books for and about schools, allies, and communities—great for reading and discussion at school or home.

Nonbinary kids' books 2024

21 New Kids’ Books Featuring Nonbinary Kids

For Nonbinary Awareness Week, I’m showcasing these board books, picture books, chapter books, and middle grade titles published in 2024 that feature nonbinary kid characters. Stories of friendship, family, self-discovery, adventure, and silliness—they’re great all year ’round!

14 Hilarious LGBTQ-Inclusive Picture Books

14 Hilarious LGBTQ-Inclusive Picture Books

Laughter is often the best form of representation, resilience, and resistance, as these picture books prove. They’re great for read-alouds or any time you and the children in your life want a little fun!

LGBTQ-inclusive middle grade summer camp books

15 Queer-Inclusive Middle Grade Summer Camp Books That Will Make You Want S’More!

Pack up your duffel, we’re going to camp! Several new, queer-inclusive, camp-themed middle grade books are just the excuse I need to round up a whole cabin’s worth of such novels and graphic novels from recent years, featuring diverse types of camps and campers! Give a rucksack full of them to your favorite tween!

4 New LGBTQ-Inclusive Middle Grade Titles

4 New LGBTQ-Inclusive Middle Grade Titles

The great middle grade titles keep rolling in, and this week we have a two-girl crush, a summer camp graphic novel with a nonbinary protagonist (and a crush), a nonbinary kid making a place for themself (with a little help from some friends), and an autobiography of Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya.

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