Money and Finance

The Cash Value of Legal Unions

The New York Times has an article today on the financial impact of the New Jersey same-sex union/marriage ruling to couples in the state. (Registration required.) Featured in the article are partners Cynthia and Lucy Vandenberg, who ennumerate the thousands they have spent to secure rights and benefits that married couples rarely have to pay […]

Welcome, Queercents Readers

Welcome to those of you visiting today from Queercents, and thanks to Nina Smith for asking me to participate in her “Ten Money Questions” feature. Finances and parenting are intertwined, no matter how much we wish they weren’t, and this goes double for LGBT families. I hope those of you visiting for the first time

Sale on Seventh Generation Products

Amazon is having a sale on select Seventh Generation products, including chlorine-free diapers, “Free & Clear” laundry detergent, and a variety of paper products, now through the end of October. You’ll get $40 off with a purchase of $139 or more. (Detailed requirements here.) Cloth vs. disposable diapers are a matter of personal preference. I’m

Rainbow Card Now Available in Canada

I was reading an article on Martina Navratilova’s final appearance at the U. S. Open, and discovered that the credit card she started, the Rainbow Card, launched in Canada a few weeks ago. I thought this might be of interest to my Canadian readers. A portion of each purchase with the card goes to Martina’s

Federal Pension Protection Act Gives Historic Rights to LGBT Americans

Thanks to HRC for this hot-off-the-presses news: The federal Pension Protection Act signed into law today by President Bush includes two provisions extending important financial protections to same-sex couples as well as other Americans. HRC explains: The first provision, called “Non-Spousal Rollover”: Allows the transfer of an individual’s retirement plan benefits, like a 401(k), to

Monopoly Offers Visa Debit Card Instead of Cash

A fun, somewhat nostalgic post to take our minds off the dismal Washington marriage ruling. If you’re in the U. K., you can now buy a version of Monopoly with a Visa debit card reader instead of cash. (Thanks to Boing Boing for the tip.) The electronic version is priced around twice as much as

Free Super Saver Shipping Now at Amazon Baby Store

A weekend penny-saving note: Amazon has relaunched their Baby Store, and for the first time, baby products qualify for free Super Saver Shipping and Amazon Prime. They also have a new Baby Registry. (The registry equitably asks for the gender-neutral information of “You” and “Co-registrant.”) If you’re expecting or adopting a baby for the first

PFLAG Rings Bell at New York Stock Exchange

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) will ring the closing bell on the New York Stock Exchange this Friday, the first time an LGBT family group has done so. The event symbolizes “ring[ing] the closing bell on homophobia.” It also highlights the increasing buying power of LGBT Americans, estimated at $641 billion

What Exactly Is “Mother’s Work” Anyway?

Ever wonder what your work as a mom is worth in monetary terms? Blogging Baby today highlighted the Mom Salary Wizard (MSW), a calculator that determines salary equivalents for the “mom job” of both working and stay-at-home moms (SAHMs). I took a look, though I was peeved the site wasn’t gender-neutral. I never like the

Love and Taxes

Yes, the tax deadline is upon us here in the U. S., one of the occasions when the bias against gay and lesbian couples stares me in the face most directly. How are we unequal? Let me count the ways.

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