Money and Finance

Giving Tuesday 2021

Showing Our Children the Lessons of Giving

Today is Giving Tuesday, but I’m not going to ask you to give to any particular organizations. (There are any number of good ones to support with your time and/or money.) Instead, I’ll share some of the ways my spouse and I have tried to show our son the importance of giving.

Give OUT Day 2021

Please Give What You Can on Give OUT Day

Today is the ninth annual Give OUT Day, a time to show the power of the LGBTQ community and boost our collective impact by giving to LGBTQ nonprofits. Many nonprofits have struggled in the past year because of the pandemic. Even small donations can have a big effect today, though. Please give if you can, and help spread the word regardless.

Help LGBTQ Nonprofits Help Us on #GiveOUTDay

Today is the eighth annual Give OUT Day, a time to show the power of the LGBTQ community and to boost our collective impact in giving to LGBTQ nonprofits. Over the past several years, many nonprofits supporting LGBTQ individuals and families have struggled as charitable giving has fallen, both because of tax changes and the economic uncertainty brought by the pandemic. Even small donations can have a big effect today, though. 

Rainbow Dollars - Original photo: Sharon McCutcheon

Addressing the Unequal Costs of Queer Parenting

It’s not news that starting a family can be expensive for queer parents. Many of us have lived that. But a new report from Family Equality lays out the costs for different options; looks at how income variation among LGBTQ people impacts their choice of option; and offers suggestions for addressing the imbalances.

Egg and sperm

J.P. Morgan and Others Boost Fertility Benefits for LGBTQ Employees

Financial giant J.P. Morgan has announced it will soon offer expanded fertility benefits aimed at helping LGBTQ employees start or grow their families. Let’s take the opportunity, then, to look at what they and other companies are doing—or should be.

Give OUT Day 2019

Give OUT Today for LGBTQ Families

In the past two years, the threat to LGBTQ individuals and families has grown, and the nonprofits supporting our families need our help more than ever. Please consider giving today, the seventh annual Give OUT Day, in order to increase the impact of your giving.

Coin jar

The Costs of Starting a Queer Family

The always wonderful Nancy podcast from WNYC has just run a series on Queer Money Matters, about “the straight economy and how queer people navigate it.” Listen here to their episode on “Babies and Bills,” about the costs of starting a family when queer.

Penny jar

LGBTQ People and Families at Disproportionate Risk from Cuts to Assistance Programs

The “myth of gay affluence” has long haunted the queer community, even after much debunking. LGBTQ people are in fact more likely to be in poverty than non-LGBTQ ones. Now, a new study shows that LGBTQ people are also more likely to participate in public assistance programs—and are thus at particular risk when those programs are cut.

Give OUT Day

Give OUT Today for Our Families

In the past year, the threat to LGBTQ individuals and families has grown, and the nonprofits supporting our families need our help more than ever. Please consider giving today, the sixth annual Give OUT Day, in order to increase the impact of your giving.


The Price of LGBTQ Parenthood

What does it cost for an LGBTQ person to become a parent and raise a child in the U.S. today? What are the particular challenges we face? I investigate those questions in a new article for the Advocate.

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