Money and Finance

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 17

Vlogging barefoot! Helen and I kick off our shoes and socks this week in honor of the k.d. lang concert we just attended, advise when not to sport a fauxhawk, and then discuss some financial ideas for parents. Thinking about starting a family or already planning for your childrens’ college educations? We share what’s worked […]

Taxing Our Patience

Tax-preparation software TurboTax has a number of Web pages devoted to helping people determine the tax implications of various life changes, such as changing jobs, getting married, or having children. To the right is the image they use under the title “Your Child.” They also use it in one of their television ads. Not exactly

Does Marriage Lead to IVF?

“Mass. Gay Marriages Lead To Increase In IVF” proclaims the headline at Since marriage equality became law in Massachusetts, more same-sex couples are using in vitro fertilization (IVF) to create their families, they report. Samuel Pang, Medical Director of the Reproductive Science Center of New England, one of the largest such firms in the

Queercents Adds Lesbian Mom Writer

LGBT finance blog Queercents has added a parent to their roster of writers: Dr. Jennifer Natalya Fink is a professor of English at Georgetown University, the author of two novels (V and BURN, both from Suspect Thoughts Press), and, most importantly, the mother of a gorgeous and hilarious baby girl. She and her family live

What Cost Parenthood?

How much does it cost for two moms to start a family? Nina at the Bilerico Project (and also publisher of Queercents) talks about her and her partner’s experience with in vitro fertilization (IVF), and the difficult questions they face as they get close to their last affordable attempt. Should they try donor eggs or

Same-Sex Parents, Money, Marketing, and Influence

New studies from the Williams Institute at UCLA have shown that same-sex parents in Illinois, Michigan and Rhode Island have “significantly” lower average and median incomes than opposite-sex married parents in those states. (I’ve omitted exact numbers for ease of reading; you can find them in the original reports, however. Thanks to Gay Wired for

Guest Post: Eight Family-Friendly Haulers, Part II

Yesterday, Joe Tralongo of offered the first half of a guest post on family-friendly and gay-friendly haulin’ vehicles. Not everyone wants the same thing in a car, as was clear from comments on the post, but I hope these reviews will give you some sense of what’s on offer if you are in search

Guest Post: Eight Family-Friendly Haulers, Part I

Thanks to, “the Gay-Friendly Automotive Resource,” for today’s special guest post, first of a two-part series. Gaywheels’ Joe Tralongo has put together for Mombian a list of family-friendly—and gay-friendly—vehicles worth checking out if you’re in the market for a new ride for yourself and your clan. If, however, you’re having a midlife crisis and Clarifies Contest Rules to Include Same-Sex Partners

Sometimes it pays to ask. is having a Tuition and Textbooks Sweepstakes, in which you can enter to win a grand prize of one year of free tuition (up to $25,000). The contest page says “If you’re not a student—but you have a family member who is—you may enter on his/her behalf.” After reading

Suze Orman Offers Advice on Children and Money

Financial guru and out lesbian Suze Orman offers her advice on financial lessons for children. She claims many parents inadvertently send negative messages to their children, including the following: Be happy to go to work. . . . You tell your kids: “Oh honey, I hate that I need to leave you, but I have

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