
Free Family Diversity, Anti-Bullying Videos for No Name-Calling Week!

Happy No Name-Calling Week, “one of the largest bullying-prevention initiatives in the country.” In celebration of the event, educational film company Groundspark is offering free streaming of all the films from its wonderful Respect for All Project, which cover family diversity, LGBT inclusion in schools, and much more.

Spirit Day 2015

Show Some Spirit

It’s Spirit Day once again, time to take a stand against bullying and show support for LGBTQ youth. Not all LGBTQ youth are bullied, of course, and not all victims of bullies are LGBTQ — but bullying continues to impact our community in significant ways.


Back-to-School Reflections of a Lesbian Mom

Back-to-school time always raises mixed feelings in me. On the one hand, years of being in academia make me see September, not January, as the start of the year (or maybe it’s just a Jewish thing). On the other, the lazy days of summer are giving way to school time’s hectic rush, with my son’s after-school activities, homework reminders, and the various other events and paperwork that public education brings in its wake.

Pride Flag School Bus

Back-to-School Resources for LGBTQ Parents

I first started posting back-to-school resources for LGBTQ parents in 2006, before my own son was even in school. He’s grown and changed, and so has this list. I hope it remains useful, whether your children are just entering school, starting a new school, or encountering new issues in their educational journeys.

Day of Silence 2015

Voices Out of the Silence

Today is the Day of Silence, when many students from middle school to college choose not to speak, in order to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ bullying and harassment. LGBTQ youth and those with LGBTQ parents still face challenges—but there are slow changes for the better.

Don't Erase Us

Does Your State Ban Talk of LGBTQ Issues in Classrooms?

I wrote yesterday about anti-LGBT discrimination in schools — and was happy to learn later about a new campaign to address “no promo homo” laws that forbid discussion of LGBT issues in classrooms.

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