Reflections on Parenthood

Transgender flag

A Roundup for Trans Parent Day

Happy Trans Parent Day to all transgender parents! May it be a time of joy and love. In honor of the occasion, here are some recent readings and a movie that showcase just a few of the many lives of trans parents.

Special Topics in Being a Parent

A Must-Read Book for All Parents, Queer and Otherwise

If you read only one book on how to parent, make it S. Bear Bergman’s brilliant new Special Topics in Being a Parent: A Queer and Tender Guide to Things I’ve Learned About Parenting, Mostly the Hard Way. It will be a rare person of any identity who doesn’t gain something useful from the wise, judgment-free, gently humorous, and delightfully illustrated volume.

Mombian - 19 Years

Happy 19th Blogiversary to Mombian!

I launched Mombian 19 years ago today, which makes it the perfect time to thank all of you who have read, shared, and commented on my work, inspired me with your ideas and family stories, and taught me much about parenting, queerness, and community.

LGBTQ Empty Nesters webinar

Join Family Equality and Me for an LGBTQ+ Empty Nesters Webinar

Being a parent is a lifetime commitment—but when our children leave home, our relationships with them and our parenting partner(s) may change. If you’re also an empty nester or soon to be, please join Family Equality and me for a webinar about navigating this stage in our family journeys!

Helen (L) and Dana (R)

30 Years of Love and Progress

My spouse Helen and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary. At a time when the LGBTQ community is being attacked on all sides, this personal milestone also reminded me that despite the many challenges for LGBTQ folks right now, progress can happen and queer joy is real.

Star Pride - Olivia Travel Iceland Cruise 2022

Cruising Through Parenthood: 2 Moms, 2 Boats, 19 Years

My spouse Helen and I recently returned from a trip to Iceland with Olivia Travel, a company catering to LGBTQ women. Our previous trip with them was when our son was six months old. He’s now in his second year of college. I’ve therefore been reflecting on lessons about family and parenting that I’ve learned from each of those voyages.

Glowing pumpkin

Facing Our Fears as Queer Parents

Halloween is almost here, a celebration of all things scary. That means, of course, that we should be celebrating queer parenting, too, which brings with it no end of scary moments. Here are some I have had, along with a few thoughts on facing our fears.


Looking into the Empty Nest

My spouse Helen and I drove our son to start his first year of college this week. He’s eager to begin his new adventures; Helen and I went through a few tissues on the way home. Here are a few thoughts on becoming an empty nester.


Double Pride

This Pride Month, I am feeling a double sort of pride: Pride at being part of the LGBTQ community and pride in my son as he graduates from high school.

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