Tools and Hobbies

Fixing Noisy Kid’s Toys

We’ve all had them in our homes (usually as gifts from relatives who don’t have kids): toys that make annoying beeps, bleeps, or buzzes. Some are merely bothersome; others could be potentially harmful to your child’s hearing. Lifehacker has a useful post today about how to disable the speakers on many children’s toys, a simple […]

Techno Knitting

I admit it; I love things that take traditional domestic activities and update them with a techno twist. I laughed at the giant excavator knitting project a few weeks ago, but was even more intrigued by KnitWit, “intelligent” knitting needles that detect needle movement and automatically count stitches and rows. This isn’t just technology for

More from the Butch/Femme Ambiguity Files

Artist Dave Cole has opened a new performance art piece at Mass MOCA, consisting of two construction excavators bearing 20-foot-long knitting needles. He will use them to knit an American flag over the course of the next several days.

Power Tools and Baby Wipes

For the butch/femme in all of us: Homemade Baby Wipes using large shop tools. (Thanks to MAKE for the original sighting.)

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