
LGBT Parenting Roundup

Bits and pieces from the info-stream: Politics and Law A follow-up to my story about the change to U.S. passport applications to say “Mother or Parent 1″ and “Father or Parent 2”: Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-VA) introduced a new bill that would require federal agencies to use only “mother” and “father” in all official […]

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Happy Monday, everyone! Here’s a roundup of what’s been going on in the news about LGBT parents. Schools and Education Joanne Herman asks, “Should we introduce children to the concept of transgender people?” and answers definitely “yes,” noting (among other things) a paper published in the December 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed Graduate Journal of

Children at Heart of Florida Adoption Case Finally Adopted

The two children at the heart of the case that legalized adoption for gay men and lesbians in Florida have now been legally adopted by Martin Gill. The family had an adoption ceremony yesterday in the offices of Judge Cindy Lederman, the Miami-Dade Circuit Court judge who ruled that the adoption ban was unconstitutional and said

“Living Adoption: Gay Parents Speak” Live Streaming Today

Today, November 30, from 4 to 5 p.m. ET, the HRC Family Project is hosting a live streaming of the film Living Adoption: Gay Parents Speak, followed by a panel discussion with adoption experts and several of the parents featured in the film. RSVP for details of how to access the live stream and join the discussion.

LGBT Resources for National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month. It seems a particularly good time to celebrate, since Florida has recently overturned its ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians. Here, then, are some resources for LGBT adoptive parents and prospective parents.

Happy National Adoption Month!

November is National Adoption Month, so I’ll be posting a bunch of adoption-related resources over the next few weeks. I’ll start with the HRC National Adoption Month page, which has links to information for both prospective parents and child welfare professionals, along with news and event listings. And because a Florida circuit court recently overturned

Florida Ban on Adoption by Lesbians and Gay Men Is No More

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum announced today that he would not appeal a ruling that last month struck down the state’s ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians. I’ll have more details in another piece; for the moment I’ll refer you back to the news piece I did for Keen News Service a couple

LGBT Parenting Roundup

I’ll cover most bullying-related matters in other posts; there’s enough going on in that arena lately that I won’t try to squish it all in here. I will simply encourage you here to participate in the grassroots movement (championed by GLAAD) to wear purple tomorrow, October 20, to commemorate the teens who took their lives

Florida Adoption Ban Struck Down

A bit of sunshine from the Sunshine State today. The Florida Third District Court of Appeals this morning upheld a lower court ruling that said the state’s ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians is unconstitutional, and that a gay man, Frank Martin Gill, can adopt the two boys he and his partner have

New Study: Children of Same-Sex Parents Make Normal School Progress

A new study has found that children of same-sex parents are making progress through primary school at the same rate as children of opposite-sex couples. This will come as no surprise to most readers here; you’ve likely already read about this study and this one, which found that children of same-sex couples are just as

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