Eve’s New Brother

A young girl named Eve, who has two moms, learns to enjoy life with her new brother Stanley as he grows from infant to toddler. Although Eve is unsure about what Stanley will be like, her moms try to support her. Stanley, however, seems mostly annoying at first—wrecking her train tracks, putting her modeling clay in his mouth, and such. As Stanley grows, however, and with a little encouragement from her moms, Eve begins to see that he can be a fun playmate.

The book takes us from the day of Stanley’s birth through his early toddler years. An early scene in what appears to be a hospital room implies that one of the moms gave birth to him, but the book does not go into detail. Eve also asks one of her moms if the new baby “will do poos in a nappy,” but “nappy” (“diaper”) is the only British term that American readers of this U.K.-published book will need to translate.

Eve and one mom have brown skin and dark hair; the other mom reads as White or possibly Asian.

Published in the U.K. and not available directly in the U.S., though you can purchase through the publisher’s website (but note the shipping charges, which may be high) or try to find a used copy via Amazon UK.






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