birth certificates

Ohio Lesbian Moms Lead Way in Opening Up Marriage Recognition for ALL

A federal court in Ohio on Friday announced that it will soon rule that the state’s ban on recognizing the out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples is unconstitutional — bringing immediate relief to the four married plaintiff couples seeking to ensure their children’s legal security by having both parents on their children’s birth certificates.

Same-Sex Parents Under Fire in Iowa, Despite Marriage

The state of Iowa has made two moves this week that challenge the rights of same-sex parents.

First, Governor Terry Branstad’s (R) administration announced it will appeal a state district court ruling that said a child born to a lesbian couple married in that state has the right to have the names of both her parents on her birth certificate.

LGBT Parenting Roundup

I’m doing a parenting roundup today instead of my weekly political roundup, since most of the political stories this week are about the Republican primaries, and you can get your fill of that elsewhere. An Iowa court ordered the state’s Department of Public Health to issue a birth certificate for a two year-old child born to

Fed Court Denies New Birth Certificate to Adopted Child of Gay Dads

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last night that two gay men did not have the right to a reissued birth certificate for the Louisiana-born child they adopted in New York—a birth certificate that would have listed them both as parents (and a common practice for adoptive families). The state had denied the fathers

LGBT Parenting Roundup

While you’re still yawning after staying up too late to watch the Oscars, here’s an extra-large, fully caffeinated dose of LGBT parenting news to wake you up: Court Cases Heard this one before? Lesbian moms split up. Bio mom tries to keep nonbio mom from child. Custody battle ensues. Such cases are all too frequent—I

New York Recognizes Non-Bio Parents

Nothing like a woman about to have a baby to spur people into action. New York State officials have been pondering the many ways they need to carry out Gov. David Paterson’s directive that state agencies respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples. New York residents Carolyn Trzeciak and Nina Sheldon Trzeciak, who married in Canada

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