donor conception

Nuclear Family. Photo Credit: Limor Inbar. Courtesy HBO

HBO’s “Nuclear Family”: A Landmark Lesbian Parentage Case and a Daughter’s Search for Understanding

It is many a queer parent’s nightmare: your child’s sperm donor sues for paternity. When it happened to Robin Young and Sandy Russo in 1991, it precipitated a landmark four-year court battle that indelibly marked 9-year-old Ry Russo-Young and her 11-year-old sister Cade. Yet Ry, now an award-winning filmmaker, had never really been able to process her feelings about what happened. Her attempt to do so, and to understand the other side of the story, led her to create Nuclear Family, a three-part documentary that premieres this Sunday on HBO.

Two hands forming a heart

What Queer Parents Can Teach All Families

In an article for the Boston Globe this past weekend, a queer mom reflects on talking with her daughter about her family structure and donor siblings, as well as the lessons this holds not only for her but for families of all types.

Two moms and their three children

How Do Children of Lesbian Parents Relate to Their Sperm Donors?

It’s International Lesbian Day, so let’s celebrate with the latest results from the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS), the longest-running study on any LGBTQ-parent families. This summer, the project published a study of the relationships between the adult offspring of lesbian parents and their unknown or known donors.

Exclamation point

Here’s Why Second-Parent Adoptions Are Still Needed

Even though all states now recognize that married same-sex parents who have children through donor insemination are both parents to their children, a recent New York court decision highlights in detail why second-parent adoptions are still necessary. This is vital reading for all same-sex parents who have not yet done one.

Zak's Safari

Now Available: Picture Book for Donor-Conceived Kids of Two Moms

I wrote at the beginning of November about an effort to publish Zak’s Safari: A Story about Donor-Conceived Kids of Two-Mom Families, a book for and about donor-conceived kids of two moms. I’m happy to report that (perhaps thanks to many of you) it’s been funded and the book is now available on Amazon.

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