

How Lesbians Helped Save Subaru

Think “car” and “lesbian,” and chances are, you’ll think “Subaru.” The latest episode of NPR’s Planet Money podcast explains how this came to be and how targeting lesbians “may have helped save the company.” For bonus points, they start and end the episode with a vignette about a lesbian mom.

Curveball Pitches and Sexy Moms

Like many bloggers, I get a lot of PR pitches. Here are a few of the more amusing ones I’ve received lately. Some are bad pitches; others are decent pitches for dubious products. Product/company names removed to protect the clueless. “Keep these Holiday offerings in mind for that special guy in your life . .

Kiddie Consumers

Thanks to Nina at Queercents for pointing out an article from Best Life magazine about kids and consumerism, subtitled: “How to thwart the $17 billion marketing effort to steal your kids’ dreams, hijack their imaginations, make them obese, and drive a wedge into their relationship with you.” Yikes. It’s enough to make one move to

Proof that Homosexuality Harms Kids

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the attacks on Campbell’s Soup by the American Family Association, after the soup company produced a series of ads featuring two lesbian moms and ran them in the Advocate. Now, the AFA is urging its supporters to see if their children’s schools participate in Campbell’s 30-year-old “Labels for

Worst PR Pitches of the Year

I get a lot of e-mail from PR firms wanting me to blog about their products. I usually give them a glance, having once myself managed public relations for a dotcom. I figure it’s good karma. Still, some of them are so clearly off target it makes me laugh. Here are a few gems I’ve

Matrimonial Marketing published an article today titled “A Long-Term Commitment,” about how marketing to the LGBT community goes beyond taking advantage of the wedding boom in California. The reporter, Elizabeth Wilson, spoke with me for the article and included some of my thoughts. She also quotes Nina Smith of Queercents, among others. Entrepreneur isn’t the first

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