
Baby hand

Oklahoma Grants Parentage to Sperm Donor Over Nonbiological Mom

In a case with horrible implications for LGBTQ families, an Oklahoma judge has ruled that a married, nonbiological mom has no parental rights to the child she and her wife created and were raising together, but the couple’s sperm donor does. Here’s what happened, and what other same-sex couples need to do to protect their own families.

Svante Pääbo © Nobel Prize Outreach. Illustration: Niklas Elmehed.

Bisexual Dad Wins Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine

That’s right. This year has seen not one, but two queer parents winning Nobel Prizes! Svante Pääbo is this year’s Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, for his discoveries concerning the genomes of extinct hominins and human evolution. He’s also a bisexual dad.

Carolyn Bertozzi. Photo credit: Andrew Brodhead.

Lesbian Mom Wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Another entry for the “queer parents can do anything” files: Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi, a professor at Stanford University, has won this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the 59th woman to win the prize (versus more than 800 men). She’s also a lesbian mom.

Ellia Green, Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts, and Their Child. Photo courtesy of Bingham Cup

First Olympian to Come Out as a Trans Man Credits His Child for Inspiration

Australian rugby player Ellia Green has come out as a trans man, the first Olympian to do so. The 2016 gold medalist and his wife also have an infant daughter, whom he credits as an inspiration for being open about himself. Click through to read more and see more photos of this loving family!


U.K. Overturns Discriminatory IVF Rules for Female Same-Sex Couples and Trans People

In a major win for equality, the U.K. government has announced that female same-sex couples will no longer have to pay for expensive rounds of assisted insemination to prove infertility before accessing in vitro fertilization (IVF). The country’s leading LGBTQ advocacy organization has clarified that this will also apply to trans people.

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