my family

Irrational Exshoeberance

We bought our son a new pair of sneakers over the weekend. He’s moved up a size, and this means we no longer shop on the baby/toddler wall of our local Stride-Rite. We’ve moved up to the big-boy wall. I’m inordinately proud. Silly, isn’t it? He’s done nothing more than grow. I’m going to be […]

Cloud heart

It’s the Love

Once in a while I see something that renews my faith in our future.

The Lez Boat

I’m back from a week floating around the Caribbean with 1800 or so other lesbians. Olivia Travel, as always, knows how to do vacations right. I’ll spare you the “what I did on my (almost-) summer vacation” essay, though, and instead use the cruise as a jumping-off point for some posts this week on community,

Happy Anniversary

My partner and I recently celebrated our thirteenth year together. Did we honor the occasion with a wild display of lesbian hedonism, an example of our depraved homosexual lifestyle? ‘Fraid not. We spent it at IKEA, picking up some bookshelves for my parents. That evening, we assembled it and stayed at their house with our

Alphabet blocks spelling "Child"

How to Get Things Done with a Toddler

Toddlers can wreak havoc on our to-do lists. They have their own agendas, their own pace, and their own counterproductive actions (e.g., pulling all the books off the shelf after you’ve just replaced them). In order to increase the odds of actually completing my to-do list, I divide it into categories.

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